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IVIM Thigh Toner is a small butterfly-shaped exercise piece that strengthens and tones your inner and outer thigh muscles, and strengthen your upper body.Features:Reinforced steel spring resistanceLightweight and versatileCompact and easy to useTraining goal:General FitnessBody weight reduction / FatburnBody shaping / Tightening of the tissuesStrength trainingCardio vascular trainingTo Work Your ThighsStep 1 Lie down on your back on a mat.Step 2 Bend your knees to about a 45-degree position. Your feet should be flat on the floor.Step 3 Place the thigh toner between your inner thighs. The thigh toner should be positioned so that it looks like an upside-down "V."Step 4 Squeeze your thighs together. Even if the thigh toner moves in only a couple of inches, you still will be working your thigh muscles. Work to squeeze more forcefully, making the thigh toner move farther inward, as you use the equipment over time.Step 5 Complete 15 to 20 repetitions. To increase the intensity, perform slow repetitions or pause at the top of the squeezing motion during each repetition.To Work Your Arms and ChestStep 1 Grip the handles of the thigh toner with your hands, holding it in front of you. You can sit or stand. Step 2 Ensure that when you push inward the toner is positioned correctly, so that the middle of the "V" shape pushes outward, not inward toward your chest. Step 3 Push the handles together while allowing your elbows to move out toward your sides.Step 4 Complete 15 to 20 repetitions. This exercise will target your chest muscles. Made of a spring-loaded steel core covered with soft cushioned foam; COMPACT DESIGN: Light and portable, convenient to use and easy to store; Effective toning for thighs, triceps, buttocks, hips and arms; Perfect for people of all ages and fitness levels; What you get: Friendly customer service 1 x Compact Thigh Toner
Thigh Toner
Get it Here -;SubscriptionId=AKIAIM5RSHKZ4Z2TIN6A&tag=unsecuredmone-20&linkCode=xm2&camp=2025&creative=165953&creativeASIN=B01E8J57SI
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