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The Kybalion by The Three Initiates

Since 1908, The Kybalion--written by the hand of "Three Initiates"--has itself generated debate and controversy. The teachings of the legendary sage Hermes Trismegistus Said to be an ancient Egyptian man-god who fathered astrology. alchemy and other magical arts, the mythical figure of Hermes have fascinated readers of occult literature for centuries. Magicians and gnostics in late antiquity identified Hermes Trismegistus as the author of many esoteric teachings, building the mystery of his lineage.

The Seven Hermetic Principles

The Principle of Mentalism, The Principle of Correspondence, The Principle of Vibration, The Principle of Polarity, The Principle of Rhythm, The Principle of Cause and Effect, and The Principle of Gender

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