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How to Vote 2020 | Biden or Trump?

Dr. Dennis E. Bradford https://endfearfast.com/emails/

How should you vote? For example, how should you vote between Biden and Trump?

I don’t know. Nobody knows.

If you are familiar with my work, you understand why that’s the case. . .

What method should you use to make such a decision?

What would be the justification for that selection?

It could be a decision about selecting between any two people for anything. . .

In other words, there is no knowledge of right and wrong. . .

Another way to put this is simple to realize that the past isn’t always a reliable indicator of the future. . .

Permit me to give you my method and, if it makes sense to you, use it to make a rational decision.

The method that I use is based on the work of David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D. He was a psychiatrist, author, and philosopher who died in 2012.

The voting decision is about two human beings. When making such a choice, if one has a significantly higher energy calibration than the other, choose the one with the higher personal calibration.

[Method Explained]

So, there’s a scale from 1 to 1000 and 500 is an important division. There are two others.

Sages (saints, those who are wise) calibrate at 600 or higher.


Anyone with a personal calibration below 200 is suffering and stuck living with such negative emotions as shame, guilt, fear, anger, and grief. These are egocentric people with serious narcissistic personality disorders who are incapable of love. They do not accept responsibility for the quality of their own lives.

They are, in fact, insane (mad, dysfunctional, mentally ill, nuts, crazy).

Unfortunately, “Most people seem to have a vested interest in the negativity of their perceptual world and resist leaving it for awarenesses on a higher level.” [From Dr. Hawkins’s THE EYE OF THE I.] Such people lead settle-for lives that are unnecessarily impoverished.

From his TRANSCENDING THE LEVELS OF CONSCIOUSNESS: “The persistence of the primitive ego in man is referred to as the narcissistic core of ‘egotism’, which, at calibration levels below 200, indicates the persistence of the primitiveness of self-interest, disregard for the rights of others, and seeing others as enemies and competitors rather than as allies.”

It does not follow that they should not be respected.

It’s a bad idea to associate unnecessarily with people who calibrate below 200. Instead of inspiring you and helping you, they’ll just keep you stuck. Unfortunately, and this does vary over time, roughly 80% of human beings calibrate at below 200. That explains a lot, doesn’t it?

Just having political power can, indeed, corrupt. . . Adolf Hitler dropped from 430 to 40.

Most other human beings calibrate between 200 and 499. It’s only persons who calibrate in the 400’s who are primarily rational rather than emotional.

My recommendation is deliberately to associate most with those whose calibrations are higher than your own.

Deliberately make it a practice to stop making decisions based on emotionalized positionalities and then rationalizing them. At least evolving into the 400’s will help you to do that.

With respect to those who seek political power, do you think it’s a good idea to vote for those who calibrate below 200? Of course not.

Character matters. I recommend finding out the calibrations of the candidates.

If the calibrations are similar, then look at their policies and programs to differentiate and evaluate them.

However, IF THEY ARE SIGNIFICANTLY DIFFERENT, THEN THERE’S NO REAL NEED TO LOOK FURTHER. Vote for the one with the significantly higher personal calibration. . .

Should you vote for Biden or Trump?

Most U.S. Presidents calibrate in the 400’s


It’s not even close. One is insane; the other is not only sane but highly rational.

Of course, if you yourself calibrate below 200, your decision will be an emotional, egocentric decision anyway. It cannot not be that way, which is unfortunate for you as well as for the rest of us. A rational method for selecting between 2 persons such as the one I’m here recommending will have no appeal to you anyway. . .

I certainly hope that Biden wins. The alternative is re-electing an insane man as President.

If that happens, it’ll be because too many voters were blinded too much by their own personal suffering. . .

In other words, it’ll not be because they are evil people. . . It’ll be because of their ignorance. At least in theory, ignorance is curable.

Even if ignorant people aren’t interested in living better, that, too, is just ignorance. Living with a personal calibration below 200 is living in hell.

That is, or should be, forgivable.

Best wishes . . .

Dr. Dennis E. Bradford


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